Trademark Registration Team
We are qualified professionals dealing with TradeMark registration, Trademark Prosecution, TradeMark hearings and TradeMark infringement cases.
Today, in this internet world such things are common and occur on daily basis. If you are not vigilant and careful, you may lose your exclusive right to use the trademark. Therefore you require a team of right professionals who can not only protect your trademark from being misused but also can guide you on regular intervals the new updates in the intellectual property laws.
Transfer of TradeMark, from one owner to another, the sale of a trademark or leasing your trademark on royalty basis is our exclusive expertise.
Nowadays finding the right buyers is an easy task because of the internet but the drafting of an agreement is a tricky job which requires a right expertise in the trademark laws. We are a team of experts who poses good drafting skills and well versed with relevant provisions of Trademark Act.
Trademark carries the image of your company and protecting such image from being stolen or taken away by others, is our primary focus.
Why Trademark Registration Is Important?
Effective Communication Tool
In a single brand or logo, trademarks can convey intellectual and emotional attributes and messages about you, your company, and your company’s reputation, products and services.
Valuable asset
Trademarks are a property asset, similar to real estate, that can be bought, sold, licensed (like renting or leasing) or used as a security interest to secure a loan to grow your business.
Easy for customers to find you
The marketplace is crowded and it’s hard to distinguish your business from your competitors. Trademarks/brands are an efficient commercial communication tool to capture customer attention and make your business, products and services stand out.
Protects your Brand Name
If you have a registered trademark, you can use it to publically show your ownership over your product. Having a registered trademark will give you a right to use it on all the products registered under your ownership
Our Services
TradeMark carries the image of your company and protecting such image from being stolen or taken away by others, is our primary focus.
- TradeMark Search
- TradeMark Registration
- TradeMark Advice
- Correction in TradeMark
- Assisting in analyzing the logo and suggesting changes, if required.
- Opposing a TradeMark from getting registered
- Leasing of TradeMark
- Claiming back the TradeMark
- Renewal of trademark
- Transfer of TradeMark
- Filing trademark infringement
- Attending TradeMark office
- Attending TradMark hearings