Documents Required for Trademark
Trademark application filing Required documents depends on the type of company you have.

Any individual Can apply trademark, providing ultimate rights over intellectual property in the hands of individual, In this case only individual has the rights to decide who else can the use the trademark.
Documents Required for an Individual to file trademark application
- Aadhar card
- TM-48 (this form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need signature from Individual)
- User Affidavit (If you’re already started using the trademark, then this form is mandatory, else not. These form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need signature Individual)
Proprietorship Firm
Sole proprietorship firms or Proprietors are firms which are solely controlled by the one person, so ultimately the trademark rights will be owned by the proprietor of the firm.
Documents required for proprietor to file trademark application
- Proprietorship Firm registration certificate
- TM-48 (this form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need signature from proprietor of the firm)
- User Affidavit (If you’re already started using the trademark, then this form is mandatory, else not. These form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need signature of proprietor)
Partnership Firm
Partnership firms are formed by more than one person, so the whole rights of the trademark fall in the hands of active partners. In future if any one of the partner walks out of the firm, then ex-partners won’t be having any rights over the trademark. only active partners are eligible to hold the rights over the trademark.
Documents required for partnership firms to file trademark application
- Any one of Partnership Deed or GST Certificate.
- MSME Certificate.
- TM-48 (this form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need signature from one of the partners).
- User Affidavit (If you’re already started using the trademark, then this form is mandatory, else not. This form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need one of the partners signature).
Private limited Company/llp/Public limited company/Opc
Private limited Company/llp/Public limited company/Opc companies are formed by Ministry of corporate affairs, and rights over the use of trademark falls under the active directors of the company.
Documents required to file trademark application
- Any one of Incorporation certificate or GST certificate.
- MSME Certificate.
- TM-48 (this form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need signature from one of the directors).
- User Affidavit (If you’re already started using the trademark, then this form is mandatory, else not. This form will be drafted and provided by our team, we just need one of the directors signature).